D Book

Density, Data, Diagrams, Dwellings

eshop.author: Aurora Fernández Pér, Javier Mozas, Javier Arpa
eshop.publisher: a+t ediciones
eshop.edition: Density
eshop.release_year: 2007
eshop.isbn: 978-84-611-5900-0
eshop.format: 23,5 x 32 cm, 440 stran
eshop.language: english, spanish
eshop.url: http://www.aplust.net
eshop.our_price: 1700 eshop.czk (eshop.exclvat 10 % eshop.vat: 1 545,47 eshop.czk)
  67.73 € (eshop.exclvat 10 % eshop.vat: 60,96 €)
eshop.avail: 0 eshop.pcs (eshop.expedition 28 eshop.expeditiondays)

A Visual Analysis of 64 Collective Housing Projects

DBOOK comprises a group of 64 collective housing projects, analyzed according to their contribution to the dense city.

After the release of Density. New collective Housing, DBOOK represents a leap forward in the diffusion of architectural examples which promote the compact development of urban settlements.